<no title> (2021)
Recordings of 0.5 litre cold water in an electric kettle. For electronics in a loudspeaker dome (Authors: Kirstine Lindemann, Jaime Belmonte) (45 min).
Premiere 24/11/2021
Sound of Stockholm Festival.
Royal College of Music of Stockholm (Sweden).
Concerto for film and orchestra (2019)
For orchestra and film developers (Authors: Tuomas Kettunen, Jaime Belmonte, Appu Jasu, Verneri Salonen, Paola Guzmán, Lasse Vairio) (60 min).
Premiere 21/11/2019: Vytautas Lukočius, conductor. Lappeenranta City Orchestra.
Lappeenranta City Hall (Finland).
Look out (2019)
Video instalation and performance with augmented reality synthesizer (Authors: Samuel Toro Pérez, Jaime Belmonte, Omar Perachia).
Premiere 20/02/2019: Jaime Belmonte, performer.
Esc gallery.
Impuls Festival (Graz, Austria).
lab9 v1.2 (2017)
Interactive multimedia installation (Authors: Nadja Mueller, Holly Zhao, Wenjia Chen, Jaime Belmonte) (variable duration).
Premiere 24/11/2017
Connecting Space (Hong Kong).
lab9 v1.1 (2017)
Interactive multimedia installation (Authors: Nadja Mueller, Holly Zhao, Wenjia Chen, Jaime Belmonte) (variable duration).
Premiere 26/10/2017
XXX Gallery (Hong Kong).
Become vulnerable (2017)
Multimedia performance (Authors: Stephanie Lee, Patrycja Pakiela, Jaime Belmonte) (40min).
Premiere 28/09/2017
Connecting Space (Hong Kong).
Nature 3000+ (2017)
Audio-video (Authors: Marleen Fitterer, Riwen Zhang, Jaime Belmonte) (90sec).
Premiere 07/09/2017
Zurich University of the Arts (Zurich, Switzerland).
…Mawtana (2017)
Sound installation (variable duration).
Premiere 05-08/07/2017: [fixed media in 16.1 dome installation]
14th Sound and Music Computing Conference.
Aalto University (Espoo, Finland).